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- BEST-VIP Hires Industry Veterans
February 6, 2019
- BEST-VIP Hires Industry Veterans
The ability to travel is often a freedom we take for granted. Being able to hop in the car and head anywhere you please is a liberty we often don’t think about. For senior citizens this is something they face everyday. A growing amount of the senior citizen population is unable to enjoy this luxury and it presents daily challenges. Not being able to travel has its drawbacks: older individuals who cannot drive are less likely to attend medical appointments, go shopping, eat out, or otherwise socialize.
Deciding to not drive anymore is a big decision. Older drivers with declining vision or restricted mobility are not able to drive like they once were. Friends and family should be able to understand safety comes first and try to find simple ways to provide transportation for their loved one. That is why many turn to senior citizen transportation services.
A good transportation company doesn’t just focus on getting passengers from point A to point B. It should provide independence and enable a sense of security and dignity. Private transportation can create a positive relationship, as the same driver can be arranged and create a personalized schedule. If you are looking for a personal driver for elderly family members or friends, BEST-VIP is the place to turn.
Each BEST-VIP river is one you can trust. BEST-VIP also offers a top-of-the-line fleet of vehicles driven by qualified, background-checked chauffeurs whose number one priority is safety and efficient travel. Vehicles are equipped with a Lytx DriveCam™ Event Recorder to identify any risky driving behaviors and provide client safety.
BEST-VIP currently offers premium and safe transportation to local retirement communities such as Leisure World and Oasis Senior Center. We love helping our senior citizens in these beautiful communities and appreciate their daily support. Trusted by our local retirement centers, BEST-VIP continues to raise the standard and provide a caring and safe travel environment
An inability to drive does not have to be a hindrance on life. Try out a personal driver in your transportation routine. Have questions of which vehicle is best? Give us a call at 866.323.2378 or e-mail us at info@bestvip.wellmadedigital.com where a specialist can provide a personalized, transportation plan.